jueves, 13 de noviembre de 2014

Why I’m studying Chemistry and Pharmacy.

Hi everybody, today I will write about the career that I’m studying. This career is chemistry and pharmacy. Some factors that influenced my decisión was: my interest maths and sciences, since the basic education, moreover I didn´t like the humanistics subjects. The motivation of the chemistry teacher about her subject. My own interest for the chemistry. I search in internet the statistical of  the career chemistry and pharmacy and it have good salary and very good employability (over ninety five percent).

I like about my career the variety of places where the professionals can work, for example: office of pharmacy, industry pharmaceutical, hospitals, ISP, etc. I don´t like about my subject the amount de years and study necessary for that we get the job title.

When I will have my job title. I would like work in the pharmaceutical industry in the production area, quality control or research and development. With the money that I will earn, I would like make a gift important for my parents, because the effort the they made in my mannerliness and education, I would like  travel for chile and the foreign, I want to get braces, I will buy my own house, etc. Good bye everybody I wil write soon .

jueves, 6 de noviembre de 2014

Harry Potter

Hi bloggers, today I will write about a film that I would like see again. There are several movies that I had seen more than one time as “ ice age “, “Harry Potter” , “ Shrek” , “ Spider man”. Bu t in this blog I will write about the films “ Harry Potter”, Because it had been in my life since my 10 years old until two o three years ago. The first time I saw Harry Potter one, was in the house of a friend called Ian in this occasion we met a lot friends of the street to see the movie in this place.I really like the this film the supernatural and magic. As many people know this film is about a child called “Harry”, which live with the family of a uncle , because the Harry´sparents are dead , and they  didn´t treat him  well. Moreover Harry don´t know that is a wizard  until when from the magic school called “Hogwarts” sent him a invitation, but the uncle and your family don´t want that Harry Know about this invitation. Finally He read this letter and a man of the magic world called “Hagrid” take him to Hogwarts school. In this place Harry Know to Ron and Hermione and they become friends, but also Harry have enemies as Draco Malfoy and Voldemort. This last wizard Killed to Harry’s parents and he  is a threat for magic world and no magic world. Harry and your friends must face to Voldemort in all adventures. Bye everybody I will write soon.

jueves, 23 de octubre de 2014


Hi bloggers, good day. Today I wil write about something that I read at the moment, in my case I’ m reading  the USP or  United States  Pharmacopoeia, this Book is a academic text. I read this text, because to subject of my career called Advanced Pharmaceutical Technology. This book  have information about  quality controls of raw materials  or pharmaceutical products, thus this text I allow test the quality of the preparations that I make in Pharmaceutical  Technology Laboratory. For example now  I’m reading about the dissolution test of paracetamol tablets of convencional delivery,  in this text have information of how I have carry out the assay, under whats conditions ( temperature, dissolution medium ) and the criteria for approval or rejection in this case the criteria was that the paracetamol should be disolved at least a 80 % in thirty minutes. This book I used too in other subject called analysis of drugs in which we by mean of chemical analysis I had to establish the amount of pharmaceutical ingredient active that the medicament had, so we based in result of this  assay, we had to approve or reject the pharmaceutical product. I was frustrated at first I did not perform well tests, but now I have improved I must be better still.
I enjoy reading this text, because I surprise of the intelligence and creativity of authors of this tests.I hope someday I have the ability to create any assay of raw  materials or medicament. Bye eveybody I will write soon.

jueves, 2 de octubre de 2014

Ping Pong

Hi everybody. Today I will write about a group activity that I like do, I mean the play ping pong . I have practiced this sport since that I was 10 years old when I saw to my brother play with his friends  ping pong and I want to play too in spite of that I was ten years  minor than them . After when I was 16 years old,  my father gave me a table of the ping pong to my birthday so I can play with my friends of the school, they are Marcelo, Jaime and Rodrigo. Also I played with my sister, but she was very angry, when she lost,  so I prefer play with my friends. Jaime played  good this sport, Marcelo and Rodrigo didn´t play very good.

I think that I direct good the ball to position more convenient in the table, but the effects of the play, it is difficult for me . Currently, I practice this sport.  I played ping pong with my friends twice to mouth.

I enjoy this sport, because I like the adrenalin to fight to win each point.  Also when I practice this sport I relax and I sharing with my friends. Bye blogger, I will write soon.

jueves, 11 de septiembre de 2014

Santa Lucia Hill

Hi blogger, I hope that you are good. Today I will write about of a special place for me in Santiago, I mean Santa Lucía Hill, it is located in Center  Santiago near of Italia Square . I really like this place, because it is very beautiful,it have a lot of trees , sculptures  and interesting  places for visit, I like looking the city from its highest place, where there are binoculars for make it. The best of all is that the people can go into free, so I can visit when I want.

The first time that I visited  the Santa Lucía Hill, I was twelve years old in winter holiday, I went with my mum and my sister, I remember that we visited the highest place and I looked the city through the a binocular and I feel  vertigo  it was as if the ground  disappear and I remain in the air.

The last year I went with my sister and again I surprise,  we visit other places that I don´t  see  before, we took pictures with the mobile phone, but even this time I didn´t reach to visit all the places the Santa Lucía Hill so we hope in other occasion achieve it.

viernes, 27 de junio de 2014

My mum

Hi classmates, I hope that you are ok. Now I will write about one family member, I mean my mum. Her name is Griselda but her peer call Grisi, I describe her physically and after psychologically. She is shorter than the average Chilean woman, my mother use short hair, it is brown color and slightly wavy, her eyes are brown, her skin is brunette. Psychologically my mother is glad, comprehensive, sociable, a little naive and very dedicated to us, her family.

My mother is housewife; she is married with my dad since thirty years ago. My mum have six sisters and three brothers, hence I have many uncles and aunts. She love to cook, of course, she cook very good, I like the breaded, corn pie and cakes that my mother makes, moreover my mum see cooking TV programs and she writes recipes in copybooks. Also my mother sells cosmetic products, she offers this products to friends, knows and relatives, for this my mum knows a lot of people, this activity don’t produce many money, but to my mother like this activity. As to almost all the mums, she like watching TV series and entertainment programs as “Primer Plano”. Bye classmates, I hope that you like this publication. 

jueves, 26 de junio de 2014

27 F

Hello everybody!!, Today I will write about an event that affected so significantly to Chile, I mean the 2010 earthquake or it name 27 F too, because the earthquake occurred on February 27, 2010 when it happened  I was in house, I was in bed but I was not sleeping because I stood recently, at the time the floor started moving strongly I went to the door of my bedroom and I waited under the door frame that the earthquake happened while I heard breaking glass windows and the horn of the cars. When the ground stopped moving, I asked members of my family, luckily we were all well (my parents and my sister), of my brother I didn’t  know nothing, because he was working, but after we had information about my brother, he was well.

As for material things, the house withstood well the event, only we lost a few of crockery. I was only one day without light and water (my parents stored water when the earthquake finished).  Therefore we had not noticed us the magnitude of the event until that the light returned and we can watched  the news and I can watched the disaster and the effect of the tsunami. Bye  audience, I hope you stay tuned to my blog.

miércoles, 25 de junio de 2014


Hello everybody, good day. Now I will write about a country that I would like visit, it is Brazil. I would like go this country, because I love the nature and this place has a lot of this. Here I want to go to the beautiful beaches with clear water and I enjoy bathing in them. Also I would like sail in the Amazon river and I would like travel  along distance, too I would like go to fall Iguazú to see this wonderful landscape and would like visit all the beautiful  places that Brazil have . Other thing that I would like do is visit the restaurants and enjoy the typical foods and drinking, equally I would like participate in parties to happen a good time.

But I don´t like of Brazil, its insects as spider or mosquito, because they are annoying and dangerous moreover these can us transmit illnesses as the dengue or yellow fever for this I think that I would have to vaccinate before of go to Brazil . Other thing that I don´t like of this country is its weather, because it rain in a sunny day, this change of temperature I could sicken me. Bye bloggers I will write soon.


domingo, 8 de junio de 2014

If I visit London

Hello everybody!!, Now I will write about activities that I would like do if I would go to London. First that all, I want to visit many countries if I have the money for do it, and one the these places is Britain and inside of this country I would like go to London. In this city I would like visit all the places where they filmed the movie Harry Potter, as Hogwarts, Diagon Alley or Gringotts, because I like these films even I read some books. Also I would visit Westminster Palace, since it is a big building, its architecture is attractive and here is the big ben, moreover I would like visit the University of London to know the careers that impart and I can compare the plans of study of the careers with it of Chile.

Other thing that I would like do is sail for the river Thames, because it is beautiful furthermore I love the water. Too I want go to different restaurant to know the typical food and I can enjoy it. Also I would know to famous actors or actresses involved in movies

If I could visit London, I would go with my girlfriend or with my family of origin. Bye blogger I will write soon.

A song

Hi blogger, I hope that you have a good day.  Today I will speak about a song that has been in my mind these days; I mean to “vivir mi vida” of Mark Anthony, I remember the first time I listened this song was when I was of holiday in Valparaiso this year, then in the radio continue emitting this song for long time after, so it stayed in my mind. I like this song, because its lyrics and sound is positive and motivating and it helps me to be better when I am sad or tired, so I listen this song and I recover.

It as almost all the songs of Mark Anthony is the salsa style, but it isn´t the only song that I like of Mark Anthony, also I like the subjects, “Tragedia”, “Ahora quién” and others. Obvious I like a lot of style music, except the reggaeton. Bye everybody, I will write soon

jueves, 24 de abril de 2014

Gifts in my childhood

As all child for me wait at 12 am in Christmas or the hour for opening gifts in my birthday was a magic moment. The gift wrapping caused into me anxiety, curiosity and I want to open quickly it, and then I presumed and shared the toys with my friends. When I was a child, I wanted as gift aircrafts or helicopters that they work with remote control and that they flying and I had both, but they didn´t fly. Other gift that I wanted was the bike, and I had it, but when I was eleven years old, in fact I learned to ride it with the friend´s bike. I liked ride in bike, I rode in my street and the others places and I with my friends did competition. Other toy that I liked too much was a train, I loved see how it rode in the tracks and the ways, but I lost it and I felt very sad. In my childhood I didn´t like that people gave me clothes, because I didn´t interest it only I want that the people give me toys. The negative of the gifts in Christmas is that they caused that the child lost the Christmas meaning and it is the family not the material things. 

sábado, 12 de abril de 2014

A Game Called “Searching the Treasure”

When I was a child, I played a lot of games, I always found the way for entertain me, either alone or with other children.

I with my sister and my cousins created a game,  we called it “ searching treasure”, it consisted  in that someone hided a object  ( we named the treasure) and the others the searched it with help of a clues that made the former .

I learned to play this game when I was seven or eight years old, I played it mainly with my cousins, because they lived in a big house with a big backyard so in the cousin’s house there were a lot of places where we could hide the object. Of course, the first child that found the object was who won. 

I liked this game, because I enjoy deciphering the clues. I don´t remember very well when was the last time that I played this game, but I think that it was when I was twelve years old.

jueves, 3 de abril de 2014

Caleta Abarca Beach

 My family  and I went to  Caleta Abarca beach in February of this year , it  is placed in Valparaiso. We stayed four days in valparaiso and we have to take a bus for arrive to Caleta Abarca. The weather in the this place was nice the first three days and the last day was cloudy so we can enjoy quite of the sea. In the beach we took the sun , we bathed in the sea and we took photos to ourselves  and the landscape. I liked this beach, because we can see a lot of shipping that arrive here and due to that in this place is the sheraton hotel  and it is a beautiful building, but  I didn´t like the temperatura of the water of the sea, because it is very cold and I can’t  be a long time in the sea, for this, I would like visit a beach in the north of my country.