jueves, 13 de noviembre de 2014

Why I’m studying Chemistry and Pharmacy.

Hi everybody, today I will write about the career that I’m studying. This career is chemistry and pharmacy. Some factors that influenced my decisión was: my interest maths and sciences, since the basic education, moreover I didn´t like the humanistics subjects. The motivation of the chemistry teacher about her subject. My own interest for the chemistry. I search in internet the statistical of  the career chemistry and pharmacy and it have good salary and very good employability (over ninety five percent).

I like about my career the variety of places where the professionals can work, for example: office of pharmacy, industry pharmaceutical, hospitals, ISP, etc. I don´t like about my subject the amount de years and study necessary for that we get the job title.

When I will have my job title. I would like work in the pharmaceutical industry in the production area, quality control or research and development. With the money that I will earn, I would like make a gift important for my parents, because the effort the they made in my mannerliness and education, I would like  travel for chile and the foreign, I want to get braces, I will buy my own house, etc. Good bye everybody I wil write soon .

jueves, 6 de noviembre de 2014

Harry Potter

Hi bloggers, today I will write about a film that I would like see again. There are several movies that I had seen more than one time as “ ice age “, “Harry Potter” , “ Shrek” , “ Spider man”. Bu t in this blog I will write about the films “ Harry Potter”, Because it had been in my life since my 10 years old until two o three years ago. The first time I saw Harry Potter one, was in the house of a friend called Ian in this occasion we met a lot friends of the street to see the movie in this place.I really like the this film the supernatural and magic. As many people know this film is about a child called “Harry”, which live with the family of a uncle , because the Harry´sparents are dead , and they  didn´t treat him  well. Moreover Harry don´t know that is a wizard  until when from the magic school called “Hogwarts” sent him a invitation, but the uncle and your family don´t want that Harry Know about this invitation. Finally He read this letter and a man of the magic world called “Hagrid” take him to Hogwarts school. In this place Harry Know to Ron and Hermione and they become friends, but also Harry have enemies as Draco Malfoy and Voldemort. This last wizard Killed to Harry’s parents and he  is a threat for magic world and no magic world. Harry and your friends must face to Voldemort in all adventures. Bye everybody I will write soon.